Tuesday 28 September 2010

Monday 27 September 2010

Pre-lim Filming Task (Planning)

1st shot from behind towards automatic doors.:

This shot adds a bit of mystery as you cannot see his face, also it instates his power as you can see he has a swagger.

2nd shot: Facing forward through the door.

This shows the viewer the chracters face and starts to build up to some action and starts to build the charcater.

3rd shot: Close up of doors shuting.
 4th shot: Match on Action.
This is a shot where we cut from one action to another to keep the flow of the shot.
This is a shot where we cut from one action to another to keep the flow of the shot.
5th shot: Reaction shot.

This is the shot that introduces Character 2 this convinces the viewer that the 2 charcters are in the same location.
6th Shot: Long Shot

 This opens up the shot so the viewers can get to grips with the setiing, It also can be used to show authority and status within characters.
7th Shot: The conversation
This is used to establish the base of your characters as you can tell a lot about a person by how they converse.

Story Board:

Catch up next week for a thrilling installment..

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