Tuesday, 9 November 2010


1. We felt that a lot of the feed back was tough but in most cases fair. We feel that the comment of the music starting at the very beginning was most correct of them all but some of the comments were a bit idiotic at times, for example one group said the camera was unsteady at a pacific point in the ilm and it was quite clear at that high we would need some very expansive specialist equipment to make it steady which unfortunately is not available to us. But overall half of the comments that we received were expected but some of the comments in the other half were a bit picky and unfair criticism.

2. Would plan the shots more effectively, the plan would help massively and the soryline and acting would be better this would help the overall product the editing was good and would only be improved by experience and exploring the software.


Group 64 - The opening credits looked more like ending credits, it would have been better if they had been put over the the video, it would have made them more interesting. Effects were good, we liked the cross dissolve and fades used. A variety of camera angles were used such as the close up, long shots with panning and zooming, although the shots weren't very steady probably because they were using handheld. The music was good but the changes between the pieces of music delayed, there was no music at the very start. It wasn't very clear of what the narrative is at the beginning but we got more of an idea of what it was about towards the end when the three characters were together, it was perhaps a action or gangster film. There wasn't much thought to the mise-en-scene in this sequence, we thought that they could have had used some props or costumes to make it more interesting.

Group 63:
There was quite a lot of hand held shots and not really much variety of camera shots through out the two minutes. The opening sequence does not really give you any indication of what the film is going to be about and it does not really look like a children's film from what you see in the two minutes.
The cross dissolve and fade that was used was good because it shows a variety of effects. the music that was used did not really fit the film but it was made well. We liked the camera angle in the corridor from a birds eye view walking. There was not costumes used which could make it a bit boring and also you could of used a few more props. 6

group 62
1) most shots were held steady, but one of the shots high up was slightly unsteady.

2) All elements were included

3) There were not many variety of shots, it was mainly long shots. but it did look good.

4) All elements were appropriate for target audience, which was good.

5) The costumes were suitable, but their were not specific props which would target kids

6) The setting was made clear by the editing at the beginning

7) shots transitions were done well, especially at the start



- Church bells fitted in.
- Filming was steady.
- Editing was good, but confusing.
- Acting was good.


- Plot was not relavent to target audience.
- Genre was unclear.

Group 66

Did not give much indication of what the story was about.
Sound didn't fit the credits at the start
Shot from roof gave a good idea of where the film is set
wide variety of shots
Not sure it was right for a children's film.

Feedback 2

3. a) Comment on all aspects of mise en scene. How smooth is the animation? Use of SfX?
b) What target audience do you think this is aimed at? Age range and why.
The use of props is done well as all the characters are made out of it and the effects from props such as the police station created out of lego shows a good use of props. Also the scene of the sequence is all hand made and suits the plot of the film. There are no use of costumes at all in the sequence but doesn't effect the sequence.
b) Target audiecne: kids: 5-10 from simple narrative.

4. Editing. COnsider the pace, styl and techniques. Ate there any issues?

5. What kind of media co. would distrube this and why? is it similat in style/subject to a real children's film?

Monday, 8 November 2010

Final evaluation questions: Notes for write up.
1: Our media production uses many elements from other media products such as grange hill.
In our preliminary task we took aspects from spy/action films.
2: When filming we made sure it was suitable for 15-17 year olds as it reflects their life from day to day this is good as the more our target audience can relate to it the more likely they will be to watch it.
3: Our production is mainly produced for a tv series shown after school hours. Will use research from actual students and maybe have viewer orientated content.
4: Time to get grimey.

Screen shots

Using a cross between Final cut and garageband we have managed to produce both video and audio and put them together.

Final edit

Childrens film trailer.

Final edit...(No soundtrack)
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