Tuesday 9 November 2010

Feedback 2

3. a) Comment on all aspects of mise en scene. How smooth is the animation? Use of SfX?
b) What target audience do you think this is aimed at? Age range and why.
The use of props is done well as all the characters are made out of it and the effects from props such as the police station created out of lego shows a good use of props. Also the scene of the sequence is all hand made and suits the plot of the film. There are no use of costumes at all in the sequence but doesn't effect the sequence.
b) Target audiecne: kids: 5-10 from simple narrative.

4. Editing. COnsider the pace, styl and techniques. Ate there any issues?

5. What kind of media co. would distrube this and why? is it similat in style/subject to a real children's film?

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